

It’s Spring and I haven’t been on a trip since last summer. Thank God for Pinterest!

If you know about Pinterest, you know what I mean. If not, check it out.

It’s the perfect way to organize travel planning/dreaming. I can “pin” all of the cool things I want to do someday, or in June.

So far, I have created boards for my top 10 list and am creating new ones as I find things I must do (I refuse to call it my “Bucket List”, sorry.) Hopefully it never goes under or I will have to go back to actually remembering things!

In addition to organizing my own cool stuff, I get to search other people’s “pins”, making it even easier to find more places and adventures and add them to my ever growing list.  The one thing that’s missing, I think, is the ability to create subcategories (subboards?). I would love to be able to group a bunch of cities under “See the USA” for instance, or maybe a group called “See MotoGP.”  If you know of a way to do this please let me know ASAP. I will be forever in your debt and repin all of your stuff.

Now, if I can only tear myself away from Pinterest long enough to visit all of these places.

Check out my boards here.

Check out Mashable's "Pinterest: A Beginner's Guide" here.